Clarion Call  

There are times in one's life, should they hear the call, when seemingly complex issues become clear; and should one heed that call, it is incumbent upon them to express their knowledge of the truth as best they can, as often as they are able and willing to do so.

Core Democrats and the Democrat Media have long proved that if not for the Double Standard, they would have no standards at all. At the core of their
From Capital Hill, to indoctrinated college campuses' intellectual safe spaces, to the radical, reactionary and intolerant Left, to Democrat Leadership calling for violence in the streets, America's Socialist Liberals are obstructing the governing process as best they can, however they can.
It was a daring political move for the Democrat party, and the Democrat Media, but, it just might work. Link to Russia, and Vladimir Putin at every possible point.
Rimadi, Iraq has fallen, ISIS grows stronger, and Barack Hussein will not engage the 'Jayvee team' on the field of battle. I only bring this up because our warriors have died, and have been maimed, in vain, in favor of the Liberal politics of a disengaged commander-in-chief.
If you hate President Trump to the point that your blood pressure rises when you encounter others that not only don't hate Mr. Trump, but are extremely appreciative of the man's governing style, however unpracticed, you might not want to read this, but you really should.
The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.
The inarticulate, bombastic and often politically incorrect President-elect Trump is slowly on growing me.
Today is December 22, 2016, the second shortest day of the year, one day removed from the Winter solstice, and three things are certain.
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