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On July 19, demonstrators protested outside Maxine Waters' Los Angeles office, burning an American flag and shouting "Black Power" and "America was never great!"........
I created this meme to show my inherent trust in the leadership of President Trump.
Maxine Waters needs to be impeached and removed from Congress. Her actions are detestable and unconscionable, and her conduct is unethical and un-American and unbecoming a member of the US Congress.
Trump is making America great again. But the greater challenge, as it turns out, may be to put our differences aside, put our grievances, and put our personal agendas aside, and treat each other once again with love and respect. In other words, can we be good again?
Today, the Supreme Court rejected and reversed the decision of the uber-liberal 9th Circuit and affirmed the constitutionality of President Trump's Travel Ban. It can now go into effect.
Whoopi Goldberg, on The View, flew into a tirade over the news that Justice Kennedy was retiring and that President Trump would be able to appoint a new Supreme Court justice.
Mainstream media journalists and Democrats all of a sudden decide that they care about what migrants experience at the border after years of not giving a shit. The same policies have been in place. The same pictures were available of children in "cages." Why the outrage now?
Most Americans have been propagandized rather than educated on the causes of the War Between the States (aka, The War of Northern Aggression; aka, The War to Prevent Southern Independence; aka, the Civil War).
Somewhere along the way we seem to have lost the idea that the individual is in charge over what they choose to believe or disbelieve. Nevertheless, is should come as no surprise the Russian's are trying to interfere with our elections, way of life and anything else they can disrupt for over 75 year
We've all heard of the case of the Christian cake artist who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his deeply-held belief in the Biblical view of marriage.
This week was much of his own making; poor deeds past come to light and finding our nation similarly lacking.
Beaufort County native and former Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage filed Monday, February 26, 2018, for his party's nomination as a Republican candidate for the Beaufort County Commission.
Mental midgets need to stop demoniziing Thomas Jefferson and demeaning his legacy because of the fact that he owned slaves.
This article is a comprehensive look at the FISA abuses of the Obama FBI and DOJ, including a complete timeline of events, and a comparison to the Watergate scandal which took down President Nixon.
The Obama administration will undoubtedly be remembered for its surveillance abuses and in particular, for its spying on the Trump campaign and the “insurance plan” to unravel a Donald Trump presidency.
In a country so obsessed with civil liberties, how are even entertaining this absurd notion that speech on college campuses should be limited to protect feelings?
Today, President Trump declassified the Nunes' Memo, exposing to the American people the corruption in the Obama Justice Department, especially relating to the 2016 election
This article, excerpted from Mike Scrugg's book THE UN-CIVIL WAR, discusses the first 13th Amendment, which was QUITE DIFFERENT from the one which was ratified in 1865.
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