Archived Results for Thursday, January 18th, 2018

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If you have ever had a deep discussion with a committed Liberal, have you ever been incontrovertibly amazed by the whole of their sophistry, and have ever wondered: How did this individual become this person with this brand of intellect?
Who can forget Hillary Clinton's accusation that Trump won't release his tax returns because he isn't paying taxes? Turns out, the accusation was unfounded and ended up biting liberals and Democrats in the ass.
Core Democrats, and their sprawling, partisan, hapless Democrat Media are apoplectic, hysterical over the firing of FBI Director Jim Comey.
George Washington once warned: "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
The Democrat party began creeping to complete dysfunction before the lame Occupy Wall Street movement, the Socialism and Barack Hussein Obama, but, now, the Democrat party has ruptured into a full blown hemorrhage of loyal voters, flowing out and away.
The Fake News has lost it, but is, nonetheless, unbowed, and more than ready to defend their unprincipled behavior.
This Memorial Day week-end, we remember the greater than 1,448,900 servicemen who fought and died in our wars and battles over the many years.
While one might wonder what is the patriotic purpose, if any, of the modern Democrat party, there is no doubt that today's Democrat is more concerned about the process.
The President's Travel Ban has been temporarily reinstated, in part, while the Supreme Court reviews the case that was blocked heretofore by liberal Activist Judges from ultra liberal states.
The obstructionists and obstructionists must stop and for the good of the country, they need to give President Trump a chance to make government accountable and workable again.
It is a plan out in the open, unconcealed to unless there are those that choose not to see it for it is - obstruction, delay, obfusticate.
Core Democrats and the Democrat Media have long proved that if not for the Double Standard, they would have no standards at all. At the core of their
From Capital Hill, to indoctrinated college campuses' intellectual safe spaces, to the radical, reactionary and intolerant Left, to Democrat Leadership calling for violence in the streets, America's Socialist Liberals are obstructing the governing process as best they can, however they can.
Liberal /Socialists don't know what to think about governing our Republic's government unless it is spelled out for them in Simple talking points.
It was a daring political move for the Democrat party, and the Democrat Media, but, it just might work. Link to Russia, and Vladimir Putin at every possible point.
This article will explain why the Executive Order and the temporary travel ban is legal and appropriate and why I think it will ultimately be upheld.
I heard part of the presser on Rush's show while driving, and what I heard was powerful.
Rimadi, Iraq has fallen, ISIS grows stronger, and Barack Hussein will not engage the 'Jayvee team' on the field of battle. I only bring this up because our warriors have died, and have been maimed, in vain, in favor of the Liberal politics of a disengaged commander-in-chief.
The Women's March in DC, designed both to very publicly oppose Trump and to show support for full abortion rights, expressly rejected women who support the right to life.
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