Looks Like Whoopi Goldberg Put On Her "Thinking Cap" Again

On this morning's airing of “The View" (the show with cackling, often deranged, liberal women), Whoopi Goldberg addressed Supreme Court Anthony Kennedy’s resignation and her concerns over President Trump’s chance to pick a replacement for him. Apparently that news sent her into a frenzy. Using the opportunity to advocate for abortion rights (of which a woman has complete control over her right to terminate for any reason, and at any time, the life growing inside her), she launched into a tirade: “Get out of my vagina! If you take away my right away from me, I got a problem with that….. You don’t want people to take your guns? So get out of my behind. Get out of my vagina. Get Out.”

Let’s do a reality check, Whoops, shall we? The Bill of Rights EXPRESSLY recognizes the right to have and bear arms in the Second Amendment. It’s historical roots are deep and firmly grounded. Let me look where the Bill of Rights recognizes the right of a woman to have complete control over her reproductive capability…. Hold on… I’m looking… Wait… I’m still looking…..

It’s not there. A liberal (VERY LIBERAL, and socially progressive) Supreme Court pulled some legal magic and slight of hand to find that right. And let’s not kid ourselves. The facts and history behind the case (including commentary by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and later by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) show that the decision was made essentially for two reasons: (1) to give women the flexibility they need to compete as equals to men in the workforce (a pesky pregnancy or an unwanted child can certainly get in the way!); and (2) to deal with all the unwanted pregnancies that would overwhelm our social programs. The right to an abortion wasn’t so much about a right as it was about a solution.

Whoopi has nothing to fear from a conservative court. A woman’s right to an abortion will not be taken away. It is too firmly entrenched in our society, much like the Miranda Warning is and much like the concept of the “Wall of Separation” is, both of which are legal fictions. And it is a very effective solution to an obvious social problem, albeit a heinous and unconscionable one. But what a conservative court might do is question the wisdom, the immorality, and the inhumanity of the broad right granted to women. A future court might address the conflict in such a policy when our very founding documents identify the right to life as one of man’s greatest inalienable rights. How do we reconcile that core American ideal with the right of a woman (and then a doctor) to terminate what is clearly a human life? A conservative court might, one day, put strict limits on the right to an abortion so that two lives enjoy the rights guaranteed here in America.

The whole of politics doesn’t have to come down to the security of a woman’s unfettered and unlimited so-called right to terminate a life growing inside her. And it shouldn’t. And I would like to think that women are capable of engaging in the political arena on issues that are far more important. They used to care about issues such as education, taxes, jobs, safety; they used to care about the issues that made it easier to raise their families, own a home, have job security, send their kids to college, save money, and be able to retire comfortably.

Whoopi has a limited understanding of the Constitution, which I suppose is a whole lot better than most Democrats, who have no understanding of it. I’m glad the organizers of the Women’s March in DC last January encouraged marchers to wear those funky Vagina caps (“pussy hats”). Putting those bright pink caps on their heads covered up the real pink matter that usually does one’s thinking – the brain. And it was totally fitting that they did so because the women (if you can even call some of them that) at that march DON’T think with their brains. Instead, they are only capable of thinking with their vaginas.

Whoopi showed us once again how true that is.

Whoopi attended the Women’s March in DC. She wore a pussy hat. And even more, she wore a shirt announcing how “nasty” she is.

Wow, women sure have progressed over the years.

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