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On July 19, demonstrators protested outside Maxine Waters' Los Angeles office, burning an American flag and shouting "Black Power" and "America was never great!"........
Mainstream media journalists and Democrats all of a sudden decide that they care about what migrants experience at the border after years of not giving a shit. The same policies have been in place. The same pictures were available of children in "cages." Why the outrage now?
What a big week in news, and what a bad week for the core Democrat Resistance Movement, and their representatives in the Democrat Caucuses and in "hallowed halls" of the Fake News.
The Obama administration will undoubtedly be remembered for its surveillance abuses and in particular, for its spying on the Trump campaign and the “insurance plan” to unravel a Donald Trump presidency.
Last night (Jan. 29), the Houes Intelligence Committee voted to release the Nunes Memo, outlining a series of Obama-era abuses of the executive branch’s surveillance authorities, including FISA.
I am watching Senator Patrick Leahy grilling new DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen over a variety of Homeland Security issues, and I learned something very important: Multi decade Democrat Senator Leahy is an idiot when it comes to issues pertaining to our nation's security.
If you have spent any time on Beaufort County NOW, you possibly have noticed that I, Stan Deatherage your humble reporter, have written extensively about Advocacy Journalism, coined by me as the Democrat Media.
President Trump has promised that the won't weaponize the government shut-down the way President Obama did.
The Liberals who fully morphed into Socialists, and the nominal Republicans, who have transformed into Never-Trumpers, have one large realty in common, a reality that they hate; Donald J. Trump is the duly elected president, and they should embrace that firm reality.
The Fake News has lost it, but is, nonetheless, unbowed, and more than ready to defend their unprincipled behavior.
General Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump's first National Security Advisor, is gone. Brought down by illegal wiretapping on his person as a private citizen and then leaked by bad bureaucrats, my mostly Democrat holdovers, that will soon be removed from the Trump administration.
The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.
This article is to remind folks of the loss of freedom we suffered at the hands of President Obama and his administration with the unconstitutional and universal healthcare scheme he misrepresented and then forced on the American people.
The inarticulate, bombastic and often politically incorrect President-elect Trump is slowly on growing me.
As our 8 year National Nightmare comes to bitter screeching halt, the silliness from all Liberals /Socialists will become the butt of many attempts to make a stand for all things partisan.


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