Fake News and their called 'Unrequited Greeting'

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

CNN and MSNBC has gone from all Russia all the Time to an unhealthy obsession over President Trump because he must be stopped, and the Russia narrative is not effective any longer.

    The Fake News has lost it, but is, nonetheless, unbowed, and more than ready to defend their unprincipled behavior.

    I tuned into CNN/Fake News last night, and all they could talk about was Trump, and how he admonished them as Fake News while he was on foreign soil, as if that is verboten; an affront to the the "Free Press" provision of the 1st Amendment, even repeatedly called the president a liar (can one imagine CNN calling Obama a liar for ObamaCare or Benghazi, just to name a few of the real big issues that he continuously lied about?) for telling the truth on them, a truth that would be most essentially true.

    Well, note to the dumbasses that create the Fake News: The President's 1st Amendment right to express himself "trump's" the 1st Amendment right for the Fake News to espouse Fake News, as is their unprincipled right to do so as per the U.S. Constitution (the Constitution does not govern the principled /unprincipled behavior of journalists).

    President Trump doing this "on foreign soil" does not detract from the Free Press right of all U.S. citizens, because the Fake News segment of the Free Press only occupies some of its space. While the Fake News of MSNBC and CNN does have a dwindling corner of the Free Press space, and is being lessened each day; rightly, more principled, far more intelligent information purveyors are taking their space.

    So, the Fake News has had its day, and fewer people now take them seriously, and to that extent, the law of supply and demand is working. This is still America, where some of us practice also Free Will.

    Continued note to the unprincipled hypocrites of Fake News: Stop promoting "fake news" like the hyperbolic lie of the 'snubbed handshake between Poland's First Lady' and your President.

If one looks closely, without being brainwashed by the Fake News, you notice that when the Polish Prime Minister's wife approaches the Trumps, the President is already engaged with her husband, and she makes eye contact with America's First Lady, who also hails from Eastern Europe, and greets her without making her wait, and then quickly turns to the President, who was done (by just a few seconds) with his greeting of the Polish leader: Below. If you look in the right hand corner of the video, you will see that this Fake News was provided by the Washington Post.

    This is a perfect example of what Fake News looks like: An innocent exchange that did flow as the Hypocrites expected, so they edit the video for effect. Keep this up, and rest assured that we Patriots will do the same.

    The Fake News of CNN and MSNBC has had its time, and while it is you constitutional right to continue to express the Fake News, your incredulity when you are called for it is wearing thin for the rest of us.

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