President Trump's "Stormy" Path

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

A tough week for the President, and no one expects it to get any easier.

Mr. Trump signing a recent bill.    Image supplied by the White House.

    And, this week was much of President Trump's own making; poor deeds deep in his past coming to light, while discovering our nation similarly lacking by abject neglect after eight years of Obama. In complete truth, Donald J. Trump's rouge ways were well known and well promoted, but this week, the man took a hit; a hit from all sides ... and a Republican dominated congress did not help to assuage his bitter plight.

    At the core, the President's poor fortune is the liberal Fake News, who has, since Mr. Trump's nomination as the Republican candidate for this high office, been relentless; ignoring their directive as fair minded journalists to report real events as news, but to rather concentrate on simple stories that would have been well ignored if plaguing a Democrat administration ... and, if not ignored, properly defended by their every liberal journalistic instinct. With this unwelcome President, it has been a constant barrage of negativity, where over 91% of all coverage by the media has been decidedly negative as per the Media Research Center, as reported by founder /former president Brent Bozell. This President can not, and will not get a break; it is the Liberals' media's pledge to offer no quarter. This ultra biased reporting of pseudo events is a condition of these times, when the death of journalism in America is dying; now it will be left to the rest of us to pick through these political pieces of the Leftists' last regurgitive reflex, and tell the truth to the American people, and tell it true. Sadly, many Americans have no clue as to what is transpiring daily, so, a bit of truth may become a welcome respite from the over-reported and then the under-reported news by the Left.

    The faux journalistic truth of the last number of days is that the news cycle, temporarily ignoring the Russia, Russia, Russia cavalcade, is consumed with porn star Stormy Daniels's, and Playboy playmate Karen McDougal's claim to have had relations with the President more than a decade before his election, thus masking the true current story that President Trump did not veto the spending bill that few Conservative members of congress voted for. The liberal media did take a few moments away from their all consuming directive to destroy this President to congratulate Mr. Trump for not vetoing egregious deficit spending, and 'courageously standing up to Conservatives'. Many of Liberals knew that by not vetoing this massive spending bill that this president reluctantly signed would chip away at the base of his political support, while others just embraced the fact that President Trump's unenthusiastic ratification was a true Liberal /Socialist political win of successfully squandering our nation's treasury.

    In the real world of governing wisely, President Trump signed a budgetary omnibus to both avert a government shutdown that the Fake News would have blamed on Republican lawmakers, who have a majority in both houses, and this Republican President. That certainty could be attributed to their efforts to lend succor to those that wish to continue a dangerously depleted military in its current state. In the real world, where government must allocate the nation's meager resources, Mr. Trump did ratify the second largest American budget in our history, 1.3 trillion dollars, and, incredibly, President Trump did not receive the adequate funding to end The Liberals' politically precious Open Border policy, which is costing our nation multi billions every year to deal with the hordes of illegal immigrants flooding over our nation's Southern Border. At first political blush, it was not a good deal for working Americans.

    Understandably, President Trump knows that he must stabilize our nation's defense, with our enemies gaining so much power while the unguided Obama Administration encouraged their every gain by his feckless foreign policy. Since there was little debate in congress regarding this fiscally sprawling omnibus, the debate is enjoined now in the court of public opinion, and Conservatives are generally miffed at best, and angry at worst.

    These Conservatives, in considerable and continual consternation, all know of our military's dire predicament after 8 years of America's first non patriot president, but to give so much to the Democrats in congress - the vast majority of which are completely ambivalent toward the military - without broaching the specter of a real political fight on floor of congress perplexed Right thinking people. Forcing President Trump to be the final arbiter, with no congressional debate, of whether this spending bill should go forward to sustain our military during these perilous times, put this President in a politically untenable position. There are many Conservatives who believe that he did not play this political hand properly.

    In these current days, the Fake News is mostly just concerned with the allegations and exploits of Stormy Daniels. This prime example of their infatuation with the inane is the predominate preoccupation of this Fourth Estate, our First Amendment right to a Free Press notwithstanding. Consequently, today's American journalism is mostly dead to the truth, and dying daily as the practiced purpose of a once proud profession.

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