Diane Rufino's Entries

Today, President Trump declassified the Nunes' Memo, exposing to the American people the corruption in the Obama Justice Department, especially relating to the 2016 election
In this episode of WAKE UP CALL (Jan. 18, 2018), the panel talks about our immigration problem, illegal immigration, DACA, DREAMers, and amnesty.
Last night (Jan. 29), the Houes Intelligence Committee voted to release the Nunes Memo, outlining a series of Obama-era abuses of the executive branch’s surveillance authorities, including FISA.
Finnish comedian, Ismo Leikola was a guest on the Conan O'Brien Show and did this hilarious routine ('Ass' Doesn't Just Mean 'Butt')
This article, originally from The Conservative Tree House, details how the DOJ and FBI worked with Fusion GPS on the Dossier to Spy on Donald Trump
Todd Strames tweeted that if Nancy Pelosi wants to fill the balcony with illegal immigrants, Trump should fill his side with ICE agaents!
Nancy Pelosi goes unhinged again, making outrageous racial comments designed to mischaracterize the intentions of President Trump
If every conservative would pay for a brick, then President Trump wouldn't need to negotiate with Democrats on the issue of amnesty for illegals.
It may do us well to review what our Founding Fathers conceived as a just and suitable federal tax plan
He may be a flawed individual, but he is the RIGHT kind of individual for government. He is an unashamed, unapologetic, and undetered interposer against federal tyranny.
Each unconstitutional act usurps the powers delegated or reserved to the People and the States. Nature’s Law supersedes man’s law. Every failure to resist the tyranny posed by an unconstitutional act tightens the noose around freedom’s neck.
Members of the Military and Military Families – Take Notice of the Democrat-Led Government Shut Down and their Decision to Celebrate.
I know that most people have never heard of the term “Social Compact” but I make the case here that this term is probably one of the most important terms to know and understand.
The next American Revolution will center around efforts to take power away from the federal government. The government shut-down is merely our incompetent and corrupt political system at work.
Deplorable Vet tweeted to FOX News that he would be honored to occupy the seat left available by Maxine Water’s decision to boycott the SOTU. Veterans should fill all unoccupied Democrat seats!!
The old past has been taken down
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
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with Stan Deatherage
Educator, Lawyer, Diane Rufino
President Trump vs The Constitution


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