Here's An Idea for the Wall



    If every conservative would pay for a brick, then President Trump wouldn't need to negotiate with Democrats on the issue of amnesty for illegals.

    If you agree, please share. Share on Twitter (share with Trump and FOX News) and on other means of Social Media. Also, contact the White House.


( January 28th, 2018 @ 12:09 am )
"All in all, it's just another brick in the wall".

Our Modern-Day Interposer, Judge Roy Moore Diane's Rants, Editorials and Opinions Nancy Pelosi: "The President's immigration plan is a campaign to make America white again!"


Latest Editorials and Opinions

On July 19, demonstrators protested outside Maxine Waters' Los Angeles office, burning an American flag and shouting "Black Power" and "America was never great!"........
I created this meme to show my inherent trust in the leadership of President Trump.
On May 25, Brandon Straka posted a video on Facebook explaining why he was finally rejecting and walking away from the Democratic Party. It has since gone viral and inspired a growing political movement.
Today, the Supreme Court rejected and reversed the decision of the uber-liberal 9th Circuit and affirmed the constitutionality of President Trump's Travel Ban. It can now go into effect.
Whoopi Goldberg, on The View, flew into a tirade over the news that Justice Kennedy was retiring and that President Trump would be able to appoint a new Supreme Court justice.
Trump is making America great again. But the greater challenge, as it turns out, may be to put our differences aside, put our grievances, and put our personal agendas aside, and treat each other once again with love and respect. In other words, can we be good again?
Maxine Waters needs to be impeached and removed from Congress. Her actions are detestable and unconscionable, and her conduct is unethical and un-American and unbecoming a member of the US Congress.

With all the extreme haters in Hollywierd and in the Entertainment Industry, with all their vitriolic talk and tweets, I think it’s about time we call them out for what they are.
Mainstream media journalists and Democrats all of a sudden decide that they care about what migrants experience at the border after years of not giving a shit. The same policies have been in place. The same pictures were available of children in "cages." Why the outrage now?
The Mueller Investigation took a really sorry turn today, with the Federal Judge admonishing Swamp Dweller Mueller for overstepping his DOJ Directive in the Paul Manafort Case.
Somewhere along the way we seem to have lost the idea that the individual is in charge over what they choose to believe or disbelieve. Nevertheless, is should come as no surprise the Russian's are trying to interfere with our elections, way of life and anything else they can disrupt for over 75 year
Most Americans have been propagandized rather than educated on the causes of the War Between the States (aka, The War of Northern Aggression; aka, The War to Prevent Southern Independence; aka, the Civil War).
For many years, I have had a percolating theory hiding just below the surface of my mind.
We've all heard of the case of the Christian cake artist who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his deeply-held belief in the Biblical view of marriage.
Since Robert Mueller has stepped far from investigating "collusion with Russia", or even Russia's interference in our elections: Is it time to finally pull the plug on Mueller and his merry band of Hillary Democrats?
There are two developments that will develop soon regarding the DOJ mishandling too much for too long, which has made them a corrupt institution since they are not only supposed to follow The Rule of Law, but enforce its equal application

In order for a conspiracy to be valid there several cornerstone pillars required for the foundation.
And yet hordes of people flock to Facebook for the connectivity, supplied by the World Wide Web, to friends - some real, some imagined - but all easily accessible by a platform that many consider free, moreover, many do not understand.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
This week was much of his own making; poor deeds past come to light and finding our nation similarly lacking.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
What will the Fake News do for ratings now that the House Intelligence Committee is wrapping up its investigation into Trump /Russia Collusion and finding none?
What a big week in news, and what a bad week for the core Democrat Resistance Movement, and their representatives in the Democrat Caucuses and in "hallowed halls" of the Fake News.
I am encouraged, with the firing of Andrew McCabe of the FBI so he will lose his pension, that this new Justice Department will finally rout all the incredible corruption out of the DOJ and FBI, which was allowed to exist under Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and Jim Comey.
Beaufort County native and former Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage filed Monday, February 26, 2018, for his party's nomination as a Republican candidate for the Beaufort County Commission.


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