Archived Results for Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

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I know that most people have never heard of the term “Social Compact” but I make the case here that this term is probably one of the most important terms to know and understand.
The next American Revolution will center around efforts to take power away from the federal government. The government shut-down is merely our incompetent and corrupt political system at work.
Michael Wolff has been around a while; I have known of him; he is a pop media /gossip columnist. He should have never been given access to anyone in the White House. That is a young administration's mistake.
There were enough votes to pass the Continuing Resolution in the U.S. Senate, for the Federal Budget to not have a lapse in funding, on a simple majority vote; however, failed to win the 60 votes to avoid a Democrat filibuster, and therefore failed here in the literal eleventh hour.
I am watching Senator Patrick Leahy grilling new DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen over a variety of Homeland Security issues, and I learned something very important: Multi decade Democrat Senator Leahy is an idiot when it comes to issues pertaining to our nation's security.
2017 was a year of unrelenting bias, unfair news coverage, and even downright fake news. Studies have shown that over 90% of the media's coverage of President Trump is negative.
Deplorable Vet tweeted to FOX News that he would be honored to occupy the seat left available by Maxine Water’s decision to boycott the SOTU. Veterans should fill all unoccupied Democrat seats!!
The old past has been taken down
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
The Women's March of 2018 continues to shock the conscience of the conscionable in their indefensible, even joyful, position on the right to terminate any pregnancy
If you have spent any time on Beaufort County NOW, you possibly have noticed that I, Stan Deatherage your humble reporter, have written extensively about Advocacy Journalism, coined by me as the Democrat Media.
The one thing I've learned during the election season of 2016 and now during this first year of the Trump presidencyis that most Americans indeed are conservative at their core and that they are not Republicans but rather Trumpians.
President Trump has promised that the won't weaponize the government shut-down the way President Obama did.
Our guest today is six term Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson. Today's Topic is: "The New President and Fixing America's Government (the largest part health care)".


Video Productions   (view all)
with Stan Deatherage
Commissioner Hood Richardson
Discussion of the 45th President


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