Congressional Democrats Exposed, their True Nature Revealed

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

Democrat Politicians Hate America; Theme Well Expressed during President Trump's State of the Union Address

    After watching the dour, glum, non participatory countenance of the what Democrat politicians that did not boycott President Trump's State of the Union Address, I came to one inescapable conclusion: I do believe that these core Democrats, Liberals /Socialists all, hate President Donald J.Trump every bit as much as they hate America.

    These sad, stupid politicians want Donald Trump eviscerated, and they would rip the very fabric of this Republic to do so. It is as plain as the nose on any patriot's face.

    From the hypocrisy of Adam Schiff, who never desires real knowledge of real events to the abject racism of the vapid Nancy Pelosi, there are no Democrat politicians with any answers ... Hells Bells, they don't even have any questions. Just stay in line; say and do as you are told; resist, resist resist .... and HATE AMERICA!

    What a pathetic bunch of stupid losers. Listen, watch their Democrat Media, their Fake News morons, and you will know the black, imbecile heart of today's Democrat politician.

This short synopsis of the entire State of the Union Address is what the Liberals /Socialist despised in congress this night.

    Real Americans: Do not let today's elitist Democrat party - the party of: Open Borders; the Racist Industry; Abortion on Demand; Welfare for Democrat Votes; Abject Hypocrisy; Abandonment of the Rule of Law; Financing Terrorist /helping when core Democrats can (even if unintended out of chronic stupidity); Identity Politicians, their politics, all to the Exclusion of Defending our America, we Americans - drag this nation down any further than they already have!

    For this is most true: If given the chance, these non patriot idiots will destroy this Republic. Look into their dour, palid faces ... if you cannot see it, then maybe this Republic does not deserve to continue; or maybe, core Democrats do not deserve to be part of this nation's solution, it's salvation.

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