Stan Deatherage's Entries

The Mueller Investigation took a really sorry turn today, with the Federal Judge admonishing Swamp Dweller Mueller for overstepping his DOJ Directive in the Paul Manafort Case.
And yet hordes of people flock to Facebook for the connectivity, supplied by the World Wide Web, to friends - some real, some imagined - but all easily accessible by a platform that many consider free, moreover, many do not understand.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
This week was much of his own making; poor deeds past come to light and finding our nation similarly lacking.
Political leanings and affectations ebb and flow depending on who the neophyte politician talks to; even, I know when to keep my mouth shut for I will reveal the obvious should I speak too much.
What will the Fake News do for ratings now that the House Intelligence Committee is wrapping up its investigation into Trump /Russia Collusion and finding none?
What a big week in news, and what a bad week for the core Democrat Resistance Movement, and their representatives in the Democrat Caucuses and in "hallowed halls" of the Fake News.
I am encouraged, with the firing of Andrew McCabe of the FBI so he will lose his pension, that this new Justice Department will finally rout all the incredible corruption out of the DOJ and FBI, which was allowed to exist under Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and Jim Comey.
Beaufort County native and former Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage filed Monday, February 26, 2018, for his party's nomination as a Republican candidate for the Beaufort County Commission.
Watching the political fallout from the Parkland, Florida School Massacre assures me that core Democrats and the Fake News will always obfuscate the reality of the events at hand to fully utilize their core maxim: "Never let a tragedy go to waste".
After watching the dour, glum, non participatory countenance of the what Democrat politicians that did not boycott President Trump's State of the Union Address, I came to one inescapable conclusion.
I generally don't have time to report immediately on issues unless I am covering government meetings, where I do report pithy highlights almost immediately. This week was busy, so fortunately, I now have the time to offer my take on the biggest faux news from the Democrat Media.
How stupid do core Democrats think the American people are when they and the unprincipled, pathetic Democrat Media sell this as the Republicans' fault? Actually, that is an issue with me, core Democrats inestimable desire to keep Americans stupid.
The Sanctuary state of California gives Illegal Immigrants drivers' licenses, no questions asked; now the state of California is directing their DMV to register everyone with drivers' license to register to vote, we also assume with no questions asked.
Michael Wolff has been around a while; I have known of him; he is a pop media /gossip columnist. He should have never been given access to anyone in the White House. That is a young administration's mistake.
There were enough votes to pass the Continuing Resolution in the U.S. Senate, for the Federal Budget to not have a lapse in funding, on a simple majority vote; however, failed to win the 60 votes to avoid a Democrat filibuster, and therefore failed here in the literal eleventh hour.
I am watching Senator Patrick Leahy grilling new DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen over a variety of Homeland Security issues, and I learned something very important: Multi decade Democrat Senator Leahy is an idiot when it comes to issues pertaining to our nation's security.
2017 was a year of unrelenting bias, unfair news coverage, and even downright fake news. Studies have shown that over 90% of the media's coverage of President Trump is negative.
If you have spent any time on Beaufort County NOW, you possibly have noticed that I, Stan Deatherage your humble reporter, have written extensively about Advocacy Journalism, coined by me as the Democrat Media.
Will core Democrats shut down the government over their absolute, slavish devotion to a principle tenet,Open Borders, of their Liberal /Socialist religion?
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