President Trump Pardons Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona was pardoned by President Donald Trump after being convicted by an activist federal judge, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, a Bill Clinton appointee, who found the Conservative Republican Sheriff guilty of a civil-contempt finding, a misdemeanor. The civil-contempt finding was for a host of charges that stipulated that Sheriff Arpaio violated the civil rights of illegal immigrants, protected by then President Barack Obama's Open Border Policy, which enticed Hispanics to come to across America's southern border with Mexico. One of the principle violations of Civil Rights for "Illegals" was found by this Judge to be due to Racial Profiling.

    On August 23, 2017, the 85 year old former Sheriff (defeated in 2016 after being elected to 6 terms as Maricopa County Sheriff) was pardoned by President Donald Trump for this, and all other possible crimes yet to be prosecuted by Democrat prosecutors and Democrat judges. Sheriff Joe Arpaio pioneered an active law enforcement paradigm of detaining illegal immigrants, mostly hispanic, and then turned them over to federal ICE agents for deportation which was a complete affront to the unconstitutional Open Border Policy of the Obama administration.

    President Barack Obama's Open Border Policy was the crown jewel within the Democrats' political strategy of enticing illegal Hispanics across the border to use the public assistance programs within counties and states to the benefit of these "Illegals", and the codependent relatives of these undetained subjects of this Open Borders plan of core Democrats. This political policy of the Democrat party to bring these "Illegals" to America was to reward the "Illegals" with their political brand of "Foreign Aid" to these border crossers to use these benefits to later favor Democrats in future elections, while these "Illegals'" codependent relatives benefit now, and vote Democrat now. One need only to listen to the words of core Democrats to realize this plan of theirs to use the public's treasury to buy hispanic votes now and in the future. An example of such is the proving Progressives' semantics of improperly referring to illegal immigrants as "undocumented immigrants" to the more recent reference: "Illegals" as just "immigrants" (implying an unprovable legal status); and, furthermore, decrying others who correctly refer to these illegal immigrants by their correct descriptor as "Racists".

    In recent years, the core Democrat policy of Open Borders, to shift the political demographics to favor Liberal /Socialist Democrats in elections, has become an untenable cost to taxpaying Americans, hence the popularity of activist law enforcement patriots like Sheriff Joe Arpaio. On Friday, August 24th, 2017, "Sheriff Joe" was rewarded for his patriotism by President Donald Trump, and now need not be worried about any prosecution for properly and patriotically doing his job.

    Sheriff Joe concluded after the presidential pardon: "Honestly, I could not be more thankful to President Trump for seeing my bogus conviction for what it was: a political witch hunt by hold overs from the Obama justice department.

I am certain that President Trump was able to see the TRUTH so clearly because he too has been the victim of a character assassination by the liberal media and Democrat establishment on many occasions."

    The unprincipled Democrat Media, wholly owned by the Democrat Party, went summarily apoplectic over the presidential pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, as if the president had just pardoned a transvestite spy convicted of Treason (Obama), or a tax evader on the lamb, convicted of being an agent for Iran, and a massive campaign /etc. contributor to ... (Bill Clinton).

    As core Democrats, with their unprincipled owned media, continue to push the boundaries to delegitimize patriots like Sheriff Joe, there will be Americans that find that behavior abhorrent. Be aware that these good Americans ("Deplorables" by Hillary Clinton standards) will continue to support innovative, if often inarticulate, politicians like President Donald Trump. My advice to these core Democrats advocating for a more Progressive /Socialist America: Save your strength; it is early yet in this President's first term.

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