Meryl Streep Makes a Stand for Hollywood Principals and Unprincipled Journalism

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

Which is perfectly fine if it all continues the Liberal /Socialist cause.

    As our 8 year National Nightmare comes to bitter screeching halt, the silliness from all Liberals /Socialists will become the butt of many attempts to make a stand for all things partisan.

    Even the Democrat Media has a new support group, the Committee to Protect Journalists. which was brought to light at the Golden Globe awards last Sunday night, when consummate actress Meryl Streep attacked the President-elect, and as a good Democrat Socialist made mention of the new committee.

    To many of us in the know, that Committee to Protect (incompetent, unprincipled) Journalists has long existed; it is the Democrat party.

    Meryl Streep, do not fret and worry your Socialist heart one more whit, the Democrat Party will continue to provide great succor to the multitudes of unprincipled, incompetent journalists, and those very "journalists" will continue their codependent relationship with Democrat politicians, where they continue to protect them on massive scandals like: ObamaCare dishonesty; waste and fraud of public to Democrat politicians; the Benghazi Cover-up, the IRS Targeting of Conservatives Cover-up; etc.,etc.

This video may seem harsh, but true; still it is the one video that I could find that is for public consumption of last night's events of 'all things Meryl: Below.'

    Some of us will continue to watch your movies, some of us won't; possibly, because there are plenty of fine actresses, many from foreign countries that are not here in America illegally, and, irrespective of your rallying call for ultra-Liberal actors to lead the charge against the rest of us Americans, we, who make up the patriot class, we will continue to exist. We will continue to consume art; we will make art, and it will be good art; if, for no other reason, there is far more to life than art. Humbling thought there, eh, Meryl?

    For us, life will go on, and if Hollywood shuts down in defiance of Donald Trump and "The Deplorables" that elected him, America will continue; maybe, even from that true "safe space", which will allow Liberals /Socialists to have the continued opportunity to say, and do the stupid stuff that you, and so many of your peers, are so intellectually familiar with.

    Hillary Clinton supporter Meryl Streep, still in a stage of recovery from DTS (Donald Trump Syndrome), also stated: "When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose."

    As one of L. Hillary's tens of millions of Americans occupying a place in her "Basket of Deplorables", I too feel bullied and battered by the unconstitutional presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, which Hillary Clinton claimed to the World, she would give us a third term if elected.

    In this representative government, L. Hillary's sycophants may not be members of the "Basket of Deplorables", but they do support the unconstitutional government of Barack Hussein Obama, and what would have been that of Hillary Clinton. That Meryl Streep would cite the unprincipled Democrat Media as an ally, who did not report the truth of Obama's lawless government, and L. Hillary's accompanying unlawful behavior, is a new level of hypocrisy ... even for the likes of Meryl Streep and a bevy of fawning Liberals.

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