Will the Democrat Party and their Media Survive President Donald Trump?

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

    Core Democrats and the Democrat Media, all suffering tragically from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), have painted themselves into an ideological and intellectual corner due to their Russia hysteria, and I'm not sure how they will extricate themselves from it. As core Democrats throw any semblance of good sense out the window of wisdom, they are hurtling undeterred to the point of intellectual-no-return, where no Right thinking patriot will ever take them seriously.

    These core Democrats, who for the first time in decades have considered a Russia menace, have pinned all their homes and dreams on that of one Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, praying that he will find the smoking gun to discover the evidence to incriminate Donald Trump, his election team and administration. The FBI investigation, with the NSA's help in illegally unmasking hundreds of American citizens who they eavesdropped on, is over a year old, and still no evidence, no smoking gun. Special Prosecutor Mueller will be pressed to stick to a very tight investigation, or he will be fired and disgraced in the bargain for malfeasance of ambition. I don't know if core Democrats and their Democrat Media actually understand these dynamics, as the Mueller / Jim Comey connection, with the partisan Democrat legal staff that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller assembled continues to unfold.

    If they can't find Russia collusion, and fast, this investigation will end, whether Mueller has wrapped it up or not. The American people will know when the Mueller Investigation ends, when the Mueller Witch Hunt begins, and I don't think they will stand for it. Already the Trump Communications Department and Trump himself are masterfully pushing back against the possibility of a core Democrat / "Fake News" conspiracy to forge the possibility of that grand hypocrisy. For a better explanation of this building truth, watch how Sarah Huckabee Sanders (fe) manhandles the unprincipled Democrat Media in the White House Press Room.

    Remember, it is the partisan, extra-unprincipled Democrat Media that propped up the Obama Administration by not investigating their multiple real scandals, while pining for the days when they could finally engage in real "investigative journalism", if only a Republican could be elected, so they would have their proper muse to do so. Without a doubt, President Donald J. Trump is that perfect muse, that original bad guy, where everything is "cut and dried", no depth of complex thought, and, in their sophistic minds, operating in a space where these one-note-saints-in-Democrats'-clothing can rush to save Liberal America ... irrespective of the means to obtain that end.

    The real truth of this sorry matter of Fake Journalists pushing Fake News, as if it is all they have to sell, is that the Democrats, including L. Hillary Clinton, the former Obama Administration and the Democrat Media, have gone so far, so deep in destroying this new President that REAL Republicans, and other principled Americans are now clamouring to initiate the long overdue investigations of the scandal ridden Obama Administration. In fact, now the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a principled man, has properly set up his shop, be watchful that there will be real investigations into matters left long unattended to by corrupt Attorney Generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch regarding the unprincipled activities of Hussein Obama, his administration.

    At some point, the Rule of Law will be re-instated in America, and I am not sure if the unprincipled Democrat Party, and their Democrat Media will survive it. Think about it this way: When dimwitted, corrupt Maxine Waters, who the truest Snowflakes affectionately know as Auntie Maxine, becomes one of the messengers of your tired, intellectually incurious political party, the future will never be bright, and the pale words of a dying Democrat Media will never again rise to a prominent position to ever again cast such an illuminating light upon their beloved ideological sanctum. What should happen if the Liberals / Socialists continue to control the Democrat Party, and, therefore, cannot extricate themselves from their current intellectual dead zone, will be certain political death; the death of the Democrat party, the death of a dysfunctional ideal.

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