Sanitizing American History and Taking Down this President

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

Publisher's note: This post is the smaller, initial piece of a two part issue, explained here regarding the Charlottesville ugliness. The second part of this short series can be found here.

Grown men and women of substance are frightened at how effortless this fringe hysteria of righteous indignation is gaining a foothold in the American psyche.

    There is, and has been, a movement afoot to sanitize American history to assuage the Oft-offended, which has naturally melded with the hysteria of Trump Hate into an amalgam of insipid power. Leftist centers of power within the fringe groups: Black Lives Matter and Antifa (anti Fascists) have been marshalled, by core Democrats and their active advocates within their Democrat Media, to become the burgeoning bulwark against Principled Capitalists and Principled Conservatives to dramatically, and irrevocably transform America at its core to resemble an ideological equal within the strata of European Socialism and the One World Government.

    The Liberal /Socialist playbook is to use fringe groups, like Black Lives Matter and Antifa as the hammer, and their owned Democrat Media as the anvil to discredit President Donald Trump as ... well ... you insert the appropriate cliched, stereotyped descriptor. By delegitimizing Mr. Trump, through their once veiled, but now outright bias and lies told on behalf of their ideological masters, the Democrat Media is hysterically sworn to play that major role to topple President Trump by every means necessary. The Democrat Media has bought into the Saul Alinsky method ('the end always justifies the means'), and are the willing foot soldiers in this dark army of the core Democrat Socialists, who yearn for the total transformation, and, if necessary, the death of the Republic.

    This true non patriotic motive, unveiled by all of these Leftist parties, began long before the despicable Charlottesville riot over the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee; however, now possesses the perfect ideological oxygen to metastasize into the monster that spawns true, real Fascism. Right now, their cards are lying bare on their table of deceit; I am but that poor reader of the truth, here reported.

    The Charlottesville racist riot notwithstanding, the Left and their Democrat Media needed a big event, their perfect muse, and the tragic Charlottesville riot served them that opportunity. We all know that racism and bigotry is terrible; however, the Progressive Left struggles to claim, nay, own the moral high ground, even though many Democrats claim that that their party is the party of Jefferson, the Democrat party is conclusively the party of Jackson (Andrew). If you don't know the difference between the Virginia intellectual Jefferson and Tennessee frontiersman Jackson, I won't have the ambition to explain here.

    In these Liberals' race to disavow all racism save their own, and place constant blame of such on others; core Democrats and the Democrat Media, who revel in continual identity politics, tend to exhibit grand hypocrisy rather than the good principles of those who do own the moral high ground due to good character. A great example of such is President Donald Trump's first two condemnations of the violence in Charlottesville, and his further condemnation of racism and those that perpetrate it. Considering that he is a man who has always been inarticulate, and uses imprecise language often, President Trump's rolling comments, remarkably, came as a tremendous shock to core Democrats and the Democrat media, and, incredulously, both became hysterical over his comments, and for their lack of sincerity(?). Knowing what I know about President Trump, and even more than that, what I well know about the Democrat Media, it simply would not matter what the President said; he would have been judged by their projected misidentified righteousness.

    Their hysterical reporting, and their constant drone of condemnation of the President's imprecise condemnation of the planned protests, on both sides, whipped those that still give credence to the Democrat Media, the Socialists financially backing Antifa and Black Lives matter, including Republican politicians searching for political safe ground in a storm of confusion, into a hysterical frenzy. It was as if there was nothing else to report, nothing else for their minions to become obsessed with, and, remarkably, this on the same weekend that that Lil' Kim of North Korea fame was backed down from the apocalyptic brink by the Trump Administration; Guam and Seoul are safe ... for now. What irony?

This video below is a homage to all Conservatives, Right thinking people, and those who can, incredibly, just do Math, in the face of whining Snowflakes and accusatory Liberals /Socialists, who spread their ideology by referring to their opposition as Nazis, racists, bigots and Fascists:

Will the Democrat Party and their Media Survive President Donald Trump? Clarion Call, Editorials and Opinions NBC News Joins the Fake News Club


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