Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury" Gossip Tome; More Fodder for the Democrat Media

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

Official White House Photo: According to Pop /Gossip "Journalist" Michael Wolf 100% of the people around President Trump think he is insane. Which part of that 100% do these elected Representatives fit into: Above.     Click image to expand.

Gossip "Journalist" Michael Wolff
    Just wanted to state this one truth regarding the Michael Wolff gossip treatise slandering President Trump.

    Michael Wolff has been around a while; I have known of him; he is a pop media /gossip columnist. He should have never been given access to anyone in the White House. That is a young administration's mistake.

    General John Kelly firing Steve Bannon was a smart thing, hence the leaks from the White House are but a slim trickle now.

    While the Michael Wolff book is predominately false, and admittedly (by Wolff as a disclaimer) so, the Democrat Media, aka Fake News, consider themselves fortunate to have something to report since the vast majority of the Democrat Media are too stupid to understand the other issues important to real Americans, and ultimately preserve the posterity of history through real current events; not the Fake ones.

    This is what is true, not what is broadcast by the Fake News. It is my prayer that core Democrat"ics" will wise up; get smarter.

    Regarding the Michael Wolff slander piece, and what I am about to say has hopefully been realized by the subject of this short discussion; however, hopefully, with nearly a full year of governing under his belt, President Trump will no longer give access to the New York based half-witted Democrat Media, who are admittedly biased toward Liberals and Socialists. These slithering Stupids are only concerned with making money, and endearing themselves to their ignorant, unprincipled friends within the Democrat Media complex that troll the New York cocktail party circuit; a gathering place for the elitist idiots of the Liberal /Socialist brand.

    Don't believe me? Consume the Fake News, and all you hear is Russia, Russia, Russia, and to what extent the President is not mentally /emotionally competent to serve in the highest office of the land.

    Two issues in this regard I am positive on regarding the Democrat Media /Fake News: 1) The Democrat Media is not competent to evaluate a Conservative's mental health; 2) The Fake News are not intelligent enough, principled enough to report on the matters of this nation.

    This has been well proved.

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