Democrats Shut Down the Federal Government

Democrats in congress put political aspirations of importing voters from south of the border at the expense of American citizens, who pay for their Open Borders policy. It has been branded by President Trump as the "Schumer Shutdown"; perfect alliteration.

    There were enough votes to pass the Continuing Resolution in the U.S. Senate, for the Federal Budget to not have a lapse in funding, on a simple majority vote; however, failed to win the 60 votes to avoid a Democrat filibuster, and therefore failed here in the literal eleventh hour. Procedurally, because Majority Leader voted against the measure, he will be able to bring an amended version of the Continuing Resolution when the Senate could possibly meet Saturday, January 20, 2018.

    In essence, it takes 60 votes enact cloture in the United States Senate (senate rules); the Democrats threatened filibuster; the Republicans did not have enough votes stop it through cloture, ergo the Democrats shut down the Federal government.

    The simple vote was 50 to 49 for the furtherance of the Continuing Resolution to continue the United States's continuing to pay its obligations. Five Democrats, all from states that Donald Trump won by significant margins in 2016, did vote for the Continuing Resolution (CR). Five Republican Senators voted against the CR, but for wholly disparate reasons, with unpopular Arizona Senator Jeff Flake the only Republican that appeared to give any measure of succour to the Democrat political ambitions: 1) To blindly support the needs of illegal immigrants to further the Democrats' stated Open Borders policy; 2) To deny President Trump any political victory to further embolden their Democrat Resistance Movement to return to unmitigated Socialism.

The north wing of the nation's Capitol in 2013: Above.    photo by Stan Deatherage    Click image to expand.

    The other 4 Republicans, who voted against the measure, did so for these stated purposes:

       Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky) voted against the measure for the procedural need to bring the issue back up; probably this weekend for another amended vote.

       Senator Rand Paul (Ky) voted against the measure - saying Thursday that he's 'a 'no' vote on a continuing resolution arguing that it will only put the country in a worse financial situation.' "I'll be a no vote because I'm not going to vote to continue to put the country further into debt," Senator Paul to Fox News. Senator Paul continued: "What I would propose is that we spent money at the same rate we spent it last year," he explained. "If you do that for five years you actually balance the budget in five years."

       Senator Mike Lee (Ut) Lee, from Utah, is a fiscal conservative who dislikes using stopgap bills, to fund the government. "Past performance is not a guarantee of future results but Senator Lee has never voted for a CR," said his spokesman, Conn Carroll.

       Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) South Carolina Senator Graham, who helped craft an unauthorized bipartisan immigration deal, rejected by Trump last week, said on Wednesday he would vote against the temporary funding bill. "I am not going to support continuing this fiasco for 30 more days by voting for a continuing resolution," he said.

    The 44 Democrats, who voted to shut down the Federal Government can only point to using this issue as a Leftist bargaining chip to promote Open Borders, and their continued promotion of illegal immigration to gain current and future Democrat voters.

    The Reality of it (my strident opinion): Obviously, what we, real Americans, need to help save the Republic is: a much wider Republican majority in the U.S. Senate; Schumer revealed for his successful political whipping of the other Democrat idiots in the senate that voted for the needs of Democrat politics rather than those needs of Americans; and a far smarter electorate to know the difference, which means a far broader education for all Americans; they must become smarter.

    This Federal Government shutdown is making modern history, however, with the Democrats' politics paradigm so openly revealing their full desire to aid illegal immigration to the exclusion of the needs of real Americans, which is actually getting found out by more Americans than ever before in recent times.

    These Democrat bimbos and menbows in the U.S. Senate should fault their Democrat Media for losing so much of their propagandistic cache, therefore, having little success in the heavy lifting of their abject propagandistic reporting of their Liberal /Socialist point of view - the trademark of today's Fake News.

    It does appear that the Fake News is just not working for them right now as needed. Hopefully, our American Republic will rise from their twisting of these real events into the reported lies of the Left.

    Truth is the enemy of tyranny, and the Leftist Liberals /Socialist cannot survive without its broad brush of infamy.

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