Core Democrat U.S. Senators Have Similar Unredeemable Traits: Ignorance and Dishonesty

    Publisher's note: This editorial appears here courtesy of Beaufort County NOW.

These rants are just snippets from a stream of consciousness that never ends, so some of them will make it here to the pages of BCN -

Today's subject: Little Dicky "I'm Tell'n'" Durbin, a veritable sleaze writ large.

    I am watching Senator Patrick Leahy grilling new DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen over a variety of Homeland Security issues, and I learned something very important: Multi decade Democrat Senator Leahy is an idiot when it comes to issues pertaining to our nation's security.

    Couple that with the revelations from Multi decade Democrat Dick "I'm telling" Durbin, and I have made an astute observation: The Democrat party has no political talent anywhere, NONE.

    They don't have much of a Democrat Media anymore either to prop up this gaggle of idiots, the same gaggle that know-nothing Barack Obama rose from. Barack Obama was treated with kid gloves by Republican's John McCain and Mitt Romney.

    I can't imagine the Republican party ever putting up such weak candidates ever again.

    Now, I am watching Multi decade Democrat Dick "I'm telling" Durbin grill DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen about what specific semantics the President used, and she ain't tell'n'.

    Dick Durbin, the same stupid, pathetic Senator that called American Army soldiers in the Iraq Theater, in 2005, Nazis, and then cried about it when he was called out by patriots, which, of course, he is not. What a weenie, and the unprincipled pathetic Democrat Media suck it all up.

Most of DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen testimony to Republican Senators who wish to move the nation forward, and Democrats, mostly paying non stop attention to identity politics to the exclusion of real issues: Above.

    The Democrat Media well identify with essential sleazes like Little Dicky "I'm Tell'n'" Durbin. He reminds them dishonest, unprincipled men can grow up to be a U.S. Senator from a corrupt, liberal, bankrupt state and that there is indeed hope for their sorry core Democrat asses as well.

    These proud members of the Fake News are so pathetic, dishonest and stupid that will carry the political water for sleazy non patriots, like Dick "I'm Tell'n'" Durbin - a true American Wuss - to the exclusion of all other issues of the day, including the fact that Democrats are using Fake Issues, like an alleged word that Trump said to shutdown the government.

    Is it any wonder why President Trump, this day of January 17, 2018, will be handing out the first annual Fake News Awards; a triumph that will be not only masterfully informative, but most hilarious. Now, this will be the real news, real news that shall be reported here.

The Highly-Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards Stan's Well Considered Rant, Editorials and Opinions Will core Democrats shut down the Federal Government?


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